No. 1 Hydrogen


Name: Hydrogen
Symbol: H
Class: Steal
Group: 1
Atomic No.: 1
Atomic Mass: 1.008

Hydrogen is the first element of the Periodic Table and therefore the lightest of the Elementals, making it an ideal thief. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe. In Elementals Unleashed you can find two Hydrogens in the game,  but if we used its actual abundance there would be almost 1000 Hydrogens compared to other abundant elements! (This probably wouldn’t make the game very fun).

Hydrogen is found in its  gas form on most of the stars in the Universe – including our own Sun and the planet Jupiter. Here on Earth hydrogen is found in most things around us, including the water we drink. In fact, Hydrogen got its name from water : ‘Hydro’ – water and ‘gen’ – maker, when it was found to react with the oxygen in the air to form steam. 

Personality wise, Hydrogen is child-like and enjoys the simple things in life, H does only have one electron and proton after all!

Due to it’s light weight, Hydrogen can steal double the amount of a normal Steal Elemental!


Make sure to check out the info on all the other Elementals – you can find them browsing through the Periodic Table

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